AOL Keyword Tool

AOL has released more than 20M web queries collected from ~650k users over three months (from March 1, 2006 - June 1, 2006). We'd like to present an easy web interface to analyze current data enhanced by most advanced stats.

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 Unique users

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 Average Click Position
marbled salamander 1 1 4
apodidae 1 1 1
bull frogs 1 1 1
beaver 1 1 21
kids puma facts 1 1 1
red fox; positive population control 1 1 1
house sparrow 1 1 14
boa constrictor habitat 1 1 23
aptenodytes forsteri 1 3 2
feral puppies 1 1 9
gambel's quail 1 1 2
blue-ringed octopus 1 1 17
family sirenidae - sirens 1 1 1
pictures of a red fox 1 1 1
mammal order artiodactyla 1 2 1
przewalski's horse 1 1 6
przewalski's horse pictures 1 1 6
cattle egret habitat 1 1 2
canis lupus 1 1 1
tapir jpg. 1 3 1
capybara jpg. 1 1 1
sistrurus miliarius barbouri 1 1 23
ducks in michigan 1 1 5
ducks in michigan pictures 1 1 3
north american badger taxidea taxus 1 1 1
pictures of lachesis 1 1 2
poison arrow frog photos 1 1 10 1 2 1
fungi found in the galapagos 1 1 7
conolophus subcristatus 1 1 1
spheniscus mendiculus 1 1 8
phalacrocorax harrisi 1 1 5
grapsus grapsus 1 1 4
muskrat pictures 1 1 16
black crowned night heron 1 1 4
scientific naming 1 1 1
what time of year does the red fox breed 1 1 2
reproductive age cottontail rabbits 1 1 1
eastern cottontail rabbit reproductive age 1 1 1
dendrobates 1 1 1
heteractis magnifica 1 2 7
anhinga 1 1 6
canine phylum 1 1 2