1. 4473401
Almost all user's 4473401 search history is about penis. Hope, he finally found how much semen can be stored in the body without ejaculating and learned how to masturbate a man.
2. 1139439
The user 1139439 tries to find the best way to masturbate and prefer female bondage. But also it seems that this user plans to visit Mars, but firstly want to know how long it takes to get there! :)
3. 856174
Let's meet great user 856174. Now we know that he likes...
4. 4563107
The user 4563107 looks to be an addict to penis - grown, bold or hairy - doesn't matter.
5. 14162375Lets’ meet aol user 14162375. Now we know that he has a wife, who has a lover. He is lost in mind – what to do? To revenge, to harm her lover, to kill himself or contact to Portuguese mafia and kill his wives mistress? |
6.5141303Some men hate their mother-in-law, another want to seduce her. One of last-mentioned is user 5141303, who wants to know even how to have sex with mother-in-law |
7. 17556639
Mr. 17556639 wants to change his life and he is looking for an assasin to kill his wife. |
8. 3970489
User 3970489 is a traditional person, who searches information about cars, music and etc. But once the user asked himself – Does superman need to eat? |
9. 11648630
Some people are afraid of demons attacks. If you are one of them, you should relax – user 11648630 knows the exact time – demons attack at 3.45 a.m.! |
10.12516390 Your boyfriend does not want to have a baby? It looks; user 12516390 had found a solution… |
11. 1879967Most of us prefer traditional food – meat, vegetables, pasta, pizza and etc. But user 1879967 found the way how don’t waste lots of money on food. Read and learn :) |
Somebody likes lesbians. This “somebody” is user 637655. The user prefers lesbians from sexy schoolgirls to even couple of mother and daughter. Yuck! |
13. 15436569
It seems, that user 15436569 is addicted to pussy. Nasty one! |
14.5377396User 5377396 thinks that his/her sister’s boy is a vampire. Maybe that is why the user wants to kill a dog – its blood maybe a good gift for sister’s boyfriend! :) |
15. 14162375Lets’ meet aol user 14162375. Now we know that he has a wife, who has a lover. He is lost in mind – what to do? To revenge, to harm her lover, to kill himself or contact to Portuguese mafia and kill his wives mistress? |
16.6296200You don’t like animals? You just don’t know what to do with them! The user 6296200 will teach you. |
17. 9486162
Thanks AOL for publishing search queries! Hope, user 9486162 didn’t find a way how to kill itself. |
Before making love with your boyfriend, ask yourself – will God punish you for doing this bad thing? User 1702904 always thinks about it. |
19. 18015982AOL user 18015982 knows that her husband is cheating. However, she tries to save her marriage and searches for a guide to anal sex. |
20.12170089If you want to look on sexy shemales photos, you must follow users’ 12170089 example. First, ask somebody to rate your butt, then take oral sex lessons and make a piercing on your genital. Now you’re ready to see shemale pics! |
21. 22744370 Uh, AOL user 22744370 wants her cuckold husband to eat his own cum. Interesting wish…. |
22.2331781There are many cuckold men. However, why user 2331781 needs to know how to make fake cum – that is the question. |