AOL Keyword Tool

AOL has released more than 20M web queries collected from ~650k users over three months (from March 1, 2006 - June 1, 2006). We'd like to present an easy web interface to analyze current data enhanced by most advanced stats.

Warning: Use of undefined constant QUERY - assumed 'QUERY' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/decent/public_html/cpl/%%E6^E6D^E6D61B7D%%search_by_domain.tpl.php on line 7

Warning: Use of undefined constant UNIQUE_USERS_COUNT - assumed 'UNIQUE_USERS_COUNT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/decent/public_html/cpl/%%E6^E6D^E6D61B7D%%search_by_domain.tpl.php on line 11
 Unique users

Warning: Use of undefined constant SEARCH_VOLUME - assumed 'SEARCH_VOLUME' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/decent/public_html/cpl/%%E6^E6D^E6D61B7D%%search_by_domain.tpl.php on line 20

Warning: Use of undefined constant MOST_POPULAR_ITEM_RANK - assumed 'MOST_POPULAR_ITEM_RANK' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/decent/public_html/cpl/%%E6^E6D^E6D61B7D%%search_by_domain.tpl.php on line 29
 Average Click Position
pressure ulcer pictures 2 2 1
pinguecula 2 2 2
disorganized schizophrenia 2 2 1
pain in testicle 2 2 1
contusion 2 3 7
causes of loose bowels 2 2 3
liposuction pictures 2 2 5
hemangioma 2 2 12
tinea versicolor pictures 2 4 1
baby rash 2 3 1
walking pneumonia symptoms 2 2 1
cervical polyps 2 2 9
ejaculation pictures 2 2 4
cancer of the esophagus 2 2 5
upper gi series 2 2 8
breast pain 2 2 11
gammaglobulin 2 2 1
frequent urination 2 2 6
ruptured ear drum 2 2 5
subdural hematoma 2 2 8
pictures of spider bites 2 2 5
tsh 2 2 8
oral ulcers 2 2 2
tooth abscess 2 2 6
loose bowels 2 2 1
lung nodules 2 3 4
cavernous hemangioma 2 2 1
scabies photos 2 3 8
aspergers syndrome symptoms 2 3 1
black tarry stools 2 2 2
foot rashes 2 3 1
acromegaly pictures 2 3 1
upset stomach 2 2 4
gingivitis treatment 2 2 2
stork bites 2 2 1
perspiration 2 2 4
nabothian cysts 2 2 2
gangrene 2 2 29
twitching 2 2 3
pictures of mumps 2 2 2
sacral dimple 2 2 4
skin rash pictures 2 2 3
painful urination 2 2 9
small bowel resection 2 3 2
cervical spine surgery 2 2 6
pictures of canker sores 2 2 3
lymph glands 2 3 9
picture of head lice 2 2 1
skin cancer pictures 2 2 10
pictures of strep throat 2 5 4