AOL Keyword Tool

AOL has released more than 20M web queries collected from ~650k users over three months (from March 1, 2006 - June 1, 2006). We'd like to present an easy web interface to analyze current data enhanced by most advanced stats.

Warning: Use of undefined constant QUERY - assumed 'QUERY' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/decent/public_html/cpl/%%E6^E6D^E6D61B7D%%search_by_domain.tpl.php on line 7

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 Unique users

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 Average Click Position
herbalist 3 3 3
lypoma 3 3 2
natural diuretic 3 3 8
- 3 3 1
natural diuretics 2 2 9
nerve damage herbs 1 2 4
chlorine and cystic acne 1 1 21
penal warts 1 1 2
chronic 20sinus 1 1 4
aromatherapy retail setting 1 1 1
encourages hair growth and weight loss 1 1 15
gwfclinic 1 1 3
curing nerve damage ginseng 1 1 8
ways to firm up bowel movements 1 1 3
tarceva and dementia 1 1 15
arnica for hair loss 1 1 3
herb 1 1 2
home remedies skin tags 1 1 8
lypomas 1 1 5
colonic hydrotherapy buffalo ny 1 1 23
tuckahoe herb 1 1 1
underarm irritation 1 1 3
herbal 1 1 8
yl berry young juice 1 1 127
planting herbs together 1 1 30
what are some systoms of fibroids 1 1 5
cranberry pills and bedwetting 1 1 1
how to become an herbalist 1 1 26
herbal diuretic 1 1 1
marshmallow root while pregnant 1 1 6
herbal appetite stimulants 1 1 3
herbs for sinus 1 1 1
marijuana make you hair thin 1 1 6
natural meds for allergies 1 1 11
osha root side effects 1 1 23
natural remedies for post nasal drip 1 1 9
wholesale herb plants 1 1 2
does orange peel extract really help with heartburn 1 1 6
melationin 1 1 4
herbs for sinus problems 1 1 2
iud and taking fenugreek 1 1 3
wholesale potpourri united states 1 1 5
pelvic pain and prostitus 1 1 5
herbs to control sweating 1 2 1
sinus herbs 1 1 6
growing herbs 1 1 10
skin problem causes slimy greasy face 1 1 7
herbal magazine 1 1 8
arm pit sweat 1 1 5
goldenseal protocol for labor induction 1 1 9