AOL Keyword Tool

AOL has released more than 20M web queries collected from ~650k users over three months (from March 1, 2006 - June 1, 2006). We'd like to present an easy web interface to analyze current data enhanced by most advanced stats.

Warning: Use of undefined constant QUERY - assumed 'QUERY' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/decent/public_html/cpl/%%E6^E6D^E6D61B7D%%search_by_domain.tpl.php on line 7

Warning: Use of undefined constant UNIQUE_USERS_COUNT - assumed 'UNIQUE_USERS_COUNT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/decent/public_html/cpl/%%E6^E6D^E6D61B7D%%search_by_domain.tpl.php on line 11
 Unique users

Warning: Use of undefined constant SEARCH_VOLUME - assumed 'SEARCH_VOLUME' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/decent/public_html/cpl/%%E6^E6D^E6D61B7D%%search_by_domain.tpl.php on line 20

Warning: Use of undefined constant MOST_POPULAR_ITEM_RANK - assumed 'MOST_POPULAR_ITEM_RANK' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/decent/public_html/cpl/%%E6^E6D^E6D61B7D%%search_by_domain.tpl.php on line 29
 Average Click Position
identify medication 2 2 3
lantana plant 2 2 7
adenomatous 2 2 4
distended stomach 2 2 3
metronidazol 2 3 4
skull pain 2 3 11
prednisone for dogs 2 2 8
inflammatory index 2 2 2
uncontrollable diabetes 2 2 1
canine colitis 2 3 6
hpv and vaginosis 2 2 1
tongue anatomy 2 2 4
pineal cyst 2 3 7
endocrinology 2 2 5
feline brain tumors 2 3 7
cephalohematomas 2 2 3
mexican council 2 2 10
diabetic stroke 2 2 1
medication reconciliation 2 2 6
taxonomy 2 2 3
hyperlipedemia 2 4 1
arcus senilis 2 3 6
jaw claudication 2 2 1
georgetown dental school 2 2 3
pulmonary mac 2 3 3
osteoporoisis 2 2 1
scelotherapy 2 2 3
testostrone 2 2 2
tobacco withdrawal 2 3 5
pathophysiology of renal failure 2 2 9
dental credit 2 2 8
anthropophobia 2 2 9
oophorectomy 2 2 8
achiles tendon 2 3 4
airsoft injuries 2 2 6
propol 2 2 2
divericulitis 2 2 2
cri du chat 2 2 10
serratia marcescens carriers 2 2 1
xanthones 2 2 4
meloxican 2 2 1
illinois department of registration and education 2 2 1
dexamethason 2 2 1
levothyroxin 2 2 2
radiculopathy 2 2 11
vertebral basilar insufficiency 2 2 6
state trait anxiety inventory 2 2 5
heller's disease 2 2 4
how to determined properties of a solutions 2 3 1
chiari type 1 malformation 2 2 5