AOL Keyword Tool

AOL has released more than 20M web queries collected from ~650k users over three months (from March 1, 2006 - June 1, 2006). We'd like to present an easy web interface to analyze current data enhanced by most advanced stats.

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 Unique users

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 Average Click Position
zimmerman note 2 2 3
the marshall court 1 1 2
barbara welter the cult of true womanhood 1 2 1
how did the south justify the peculiar institution of slavery 1 1 1
how did the south justify the institution of slavery 1 1 1
electricity timeline gilded age 1 1 1
electricity gilded age 1 1 2
bill that authorize the use of federal troops against a state 1 1 2
the cult of domesticity 1 1 5
delaware legislature black codes or laws 1 1 9
shays rebellion summary 1 2 2
summary of the significance of the frontier in american history 1 1 1
roosevelt corollary 1 1 2
john quincy adams timeline 1 1 4
compromise of 1861 1 1 6
georgia slave cabin typical 1 1 10
free timeline 1776-1803 1 1 1
shays' rebellion; summary 1 1 2
dollar diplomacy and the open door policy 1 1 1
john adams timeline 1 1 11
the big stick policy summary 1 1 2
summary of great depression 1 1 20
summary of monroe doctrine 1 1 4
texas joins the union 1 1 1
hamilton vs. jefferson 1 1 4
rugged individualism 1 1 1
cult of womanhood 1 1 1
chicago union stockyards 1 1 15
why did the puritans leave england and what colony did they build 1 1 3
when and how did tea first arrive in european countries 1 1 3
compromise of civil war 1 1 1
summary monroe doctrine 1 1 3
emergence of parties in the us 1 1 6
- 1 1 3
united states constitution timeline 1 1 7
jim crow timeline 1 1 3
manifest destiny timeline 1 1 1
summary of manifest destiny 1 1 2
anti-federalists 1 1 5
john smith and pocahontas 1 1 3