AOL Keyword Tool

AOL has released more than 20M web queries collected from ~650k users over three months (from March 1, 2006 - June 1, 2006). We'd like to present an easy web interface to analyze current data enhanced by most advanced stats.

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 Unique users

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 Average Click Position
snake eggs 3 3 1
do snakes have bones 1 1 5
komodo dragons mating 1 1 1
komodo dragons types of behavior 1 1 14
texas rat snake 1 1 9
speed of anacondas 1 2 10
largest rattlesnake 1 1 9
longest snake on record 1 1 6
why do snakes have scales 1 1 1
king cobra pictures 1 1 16
how do snakes move 1 1 1
spitting cobras 1 1 8
where do bushbabies live 1 1 5
ring-tailed lemur map 1 1 2
ornate horned toads 1 1 7 1 1 1
guenons 1 1 3
california millipede 1 2 2
dragon tien-lung 1 1 4
boas and water 1 1 7
what is the praying mantids role in the environment 1 1 1
the golden lion tamarin comes home 1 1 4
baby snakes 1 1 9
evil dragon 1 1 1
green iguana threats 1 1 5
do snakes lay eggs 1 1 1
do snakes live in the arctic 1 1 1
king cobra indian snake gods 1 1 4
pictures of the shortest snake in the world 1 1 4
water striders in winter 1 1 71
flower mantis camouflage 1 1 35
orchid mantis camouflage 1 3 22
pythons how long to they live 1 1 9
what snakes eat 1 1 1
what do small snakes eat 1 1 2
teeth on corn snakes 1 1 12
how big can a snake open it's mouth 1 1 5
how does snakes mate 1 1 1
sponges toxins pictures 1 1 1
why do lemurs have wet a nose 1 1 6
what eats fer de lance snakes 1 1 3
- 1 1 2